Friday, March 26, 2010

Great Expectations: Skit

  • One good scene for a skit is when Pip encounters the convict for the first time in the churchyard. This is an important part of the book, and is tied back into the story later on. There is also a good contrast in the characters' personalities: Pip is polite and innocent and the convict is gruff and threatening.
  • Another part of the book that is crucial to the story is when Miss Havisham begs Pip on her knees for forgiveness. She has finally realized what she has done and how she brought Estella up, teaching her all the wrong morals.
  • One final suspenseful scene is the background story of Compeyson (as told by Magwitch). This shows just how evil this man is and the reasons for Magwitch and Miss Havisham's grudges on him. Perhaps the most exciting part of this section is when Arthur dies after seeing Miss Havisham's "ghost," since this scene is so dramatic.