Friday, December 4, 2009

Poetry Out Loud Performances: "Frederick Douglass"

Shawntay A. Henry's performance of the poem "Frederick Douglass" contained many exemplary characteristics for reciting poetry. Shawntay's physical presence as she began to speak seemed strangely unsure. But after only a few words, I could see that she was trying to convey a message to the audience. Her use of hesitation every once in a while made me recognize the dramatic tone of the poem. Through hand gestures, emphasis of certain words, and clear articulation, Shawntay displayed her maturity, poise, and deep understanding of the poem. The complexity of the theme of "Frederick Douglass" was thouroughly revealed through Shawntay A. Henry's performance.

Robert E Hayden's "Frederick Douglass" portrays the importance of freedom.
Freedom is as essential to life as air. Frederick Douglass was a slave who escaped and helped with the abolition of slavery. Because of him, many black slaves became free men and women. This poem honoring Frederick Douglass explains how vital freedom is. After hearing the poem, I finally learned to appreciate how privileged I am.

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