Thursday, October 1, 2009

Outside Reading

As I began reading The Bean Trees, by Barbara Kingsolver, I was immediately intrigued. The Bean Trees isn't the kind of book that is slow-going, as I could tell right off the bat. Even in the first couple sentences, Barbara Kingolver sets the mood of a light, humorous story.

Within the first one or two pages, I was almost positive that I should focus on the imagery, as the novel is abundant with figurative and descriptive language. Perhaps this description in detail is so the reader sees pretty much exactly what the author envisioned. The imagery of the book definitely opened my eyes and made me eager to read more.

The tone of the book is a little hard to put a finger on. Much of the story is whimsical, because of the friendly, funny, eccentric way the main character, Taylor, views life. But as the plot moves along, there are more and more dramatic and sentimental events.

The Bean Trees is an interesting and relatable book. I am very glad I chose it for my Outside Reading assignment.

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