Friday, May 7, 2010


I was born on January 10, 1995. My zodiac sign is Capricorn. Capricorns generally desire to be admired by their family and friends. We are quiet and patient and often acheive goals and complete tasks because of our determination. We are responsible, hard workers, and ambitious - in other words, workaholics.

I find that I relate to certain aspects of these predictions more than others. I am self-conscious and afraid of displeasing people. I am very introvertive, and therefore quiet and patient. I am not quick to express my inner feelings. Often times, if I dedicate my self to a job, I will complete it to the best of my abilities. I believe that I am a responsible and ambitious person, but not a workaholic. I still leave a place in my life for fun.

I can see how Romeo and Juliet's unity could partly be due to fate. Where barriers would ordinarily stand in their way, they disappear in time for these two to meet. And, as all things in fate work out, it must end at some point. Some call it the "Wheel of Fortune." The couple starts out at the top, and ends up at the bottom. What goes around comes around.


  1. I guess I could see how their love could be fate. I just think the idea that the alignment of the stars when you are born determine your future is a little far-fetched.

  2. This sounds a little like Scorpio.

  3. hey, i'm a scorpio! do you think sometimes people mix up 'fate' and 'coincidence' ... calling things that are just a coincidence 'fate'? i think sometimes i do that ;)
