Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Group Essay

Thesis: The strongest of relationships can make it through even the most dramatic and unexpected catastrophies. In The Importance of Being Earnest, a play written by Oscar Wilde, three durable relationships have connections stronger than the obstacles they must overcome. Algernon and Cecily, Jack and Gwendolen, and Miss Prism and Chasuble have similar characteristics that naturally draw each couple together.

Each and every one of the relationships in The Importance of Being Earnest has overcome obstacles. Perhaps the most mature relationship in the play is between two middle-aged adults of the working class. Even before Miss Prism and Chasuble express their love for each other, they subtly break down barriers just to spend more time together. Miss Prism makes up a headache, which is an excuse to be with Chasuble. Even though Miss Prism obviously doesn't really have a headache, and Chasuble most likely knows this, he doesn't object. Miss Prism and Chasuble often also flirt and drop hints to say that they are interested in each other. Miss Prism advises Dr. Chasuble that he should get married. Miss Prism and Chasuble display in this conversation that their personalities are similar. They are forward with their feelings without being candid. One of the biggest obstacles in relationships are personalities that clash. After finding out that Miss Prism didn't have a child out of wedlock, Chasuble and Miss Prism embrace each other. Their feelings are finally revealed. There are no linger any secrets between Miss Prism and Reverend Chasuble, and the two freely express their love for each other.

Each of my concrete details and commentaries ties back to the theme of obstacles that are overcome.


  1. I like your paragrpah i dotn think you need to chnage anything. The transitions are great

  2. I think that this post was really well written. I thought the commentary was really good, becasue it really showed how the couple really are, by that I mean how you commented on how their personalities were very similar. I think taht maybe to transition from my paragraph to yours you could just focus on the thesis and how strong relationships are able to adjust and work around problems, and another idea is that you could talk a little bit about the dilema of marriage, which is my last point in my paragraph and may work well in transitioning to yours
